Carnegie Mellon University

Recruit at MSCF

We appreciate your interest in our students! We invite you to participate in a number of opportunities below to find the right talent for your organization. Our recruiting platform, QuantConnect, allows you to post jobs, host events, and identify great candidates. The QuantConnect Employer User Guide will instruct you on how to set up your employer account and use the system. We are here, of course, to assist you in your recruiting needs and to answer any questions you may have!

QuantConnect is exclusive to MSCF students and employers. Login to QuantConnect to create a profile and post your jobs. You can also reach out to us via email to post your open positions.

Our students benefit significantly from employers coming to campus to present information about their firm, career paths, and available positions and engage students in networking. Successful presentations often involve a team: members of the human resources area, line managers, or recent graduates (particularly alumni). Company presentations are hosted at either our New York or Pittsburgh location and are broadcasted live to our classroom at the other campus. As we closely watch the circumstances regarding COVID-19, we are currently planning to offer a hybrid model for Fall 2022. Employers will have the option to host events in-person as well as virtually. You can schedule a date to host a corporate presentation through QuantConnect or reach out to us directly to schedule. Plans are subject to change depending on current pandemic restrictions.

The MSCF program is 16 months long. Students matriculate in the fall semester, complete a fall and spring semester, pursue a summer internship in their first year. Following their summer internship, students return to campus to complete their final semester and graduate in December. Resume Books of our graduating students and students seeking summer internships are available to employers via QuantConnect database. Downloadable PDF’s of MSCF student Resume Books are also available on our website and password access must be granted.

On-campus recruiting is available throughout the academic year at both our Pittsburgh and New York locations and begins mid-September. Twice a school year in Fall and Winter, we hold On-Campus Interviewing weeks at the New York location. Students from both our Pittsburgh and New York locations seeking internships and full-time jobs are in attendance and available for interviews. Our Career Services office will work with you to set up student interview schedules. As a result of COVID 19, Employers will have the option to conduct virtual interviews as well.

The MSCF program is rigorous. Your flexibility in permitting students to schedule visits around classroom commitments is appreciated. We ask employers extending full time offers to students to allow students three weeks to make their decisions. We recognize some situations may require a more immediate response.

In addition to serving MSCF students, MSCF provides services to alumni. If you have career opportunities for experienced professionals, we will advertise these directly to our alumni. We also provide an Alumni Resume Book by request.

Looking to hire bright international students, there are two resources available for organizations interested in hiring international students.

Note: Carnegie Mellon University does not provide legal advice. The information presented below has been prepared for informational purposes only. It is not intended to serve as a comprehensive guide to hiring international students and may not be relied on for legal advice. Please consult with your legal advisor or refer to the resources provided for more information before engaging in any hiring transaction. 

  1. MSCF Employer Guide for Hiring International Students
  2. CMU's CPDC website has additional information on hiring CMU international students
If you have any questions or would like to explore ways to engage with our students, please contact Queeta Welch, Associate Director, Employer Relations
E-mail: Phone: 412-268-3028